Sweet Cider

  • 750ml

    Spiced Cider

    Rated 5.00 out of 5
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    We have perfected our Spiced Cider recipe over the years, mulling our preferred spices and local honey with our craft cider, to make a truly decadent drink.
    Our Spiced Cider can be enjoyed year round – pour over ice in the summer months or gently warm it up during the cooler months & serve hot in a mug with a wedge of orange.
    This mulled Spiced Cider tastes like warm apple pie!

    To heat, warm gently without boiling.

    8.2% abv

    20% OFF: Grab a case of 6 bottles for $115

  • 330ml

    Sweet Coppin

    Rated 0 out of 5
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    Named after one of the sweetest cider apples in the organic orchard, this full bodied cider is fruit driven and bold with delicious aromas of freshly picked apples.

    Once in the glass, it’s golden hues shine through and its refreshing fizz makes it dangerously easy to drink – good luck limiting yourself to just one!

    330ml bottle
    4.6% abv

  • 330ml

    Watermelon Fizz

    Rated 5.00 out of 5
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    You just never know where the experiments in the cider shed will lead, and that is half the fun!
    Initially intended as a one-off Summer release, however we were quickly persuaded to make this a year-round staple at our cellar-door as well as online.

    Our Watermelon Fizz is now available in snazzy black & pink 330ml cans. Perfect for that next picnic, camping trip, mates BBQ or gift for your bestie.

    It’s floral nose, subtle watermelon notes, delicate bubble and pretty rose colour all shine through, with a medium finish that leaves your palate refreshed.

    330ml cans
    4.8% abv

  • 750ml

    Spiced Cider – 20% OFF Case

    Original price was: $144.00.Current price is: $115.00.
    Rated 5.00 out of 5
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    We have become well known for our Spiced Cider over the years, perfecting the balance of spices, honey & cider, to make a truly decadent drink that can be enjoyed all year round.
    During the summer months we serve this over ice, however it really comes to life when warmed up during the cooler months & served hot in a mug with a wedge of orange.
    The comments we most often hear are that this reminds them of nan’s apple pie, or Christmas pud bottled up!!

    To heat, warm gently without boiling, serve with a cinnamon quill and wedge of orange.

    This special offer of 20% OFF is for a case of 6 x 750ml bottles.

    8.2% abv

  • 330ml

    Apple Mango Cider

    Rated 4.00 out of 5
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    We love creating something new and a bit different for our customers – after all, there are a lot of different tastes to cater to. Our Apple Mango Cider is simply a blend of Daylesford Cider & fresh Aussie mango. It is a tropical, fruit driven cider and a bit of fun!
    Due to the nature of fresh fruit, please gently rouse the can before opening & serve in a glass.

    330ml can
    4.2% abv

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